social democratic
- adj.社会民主主义的

The Social Democratic Party was full of people of an academic cast of mind
The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections
The movement is liberal and social democratic in orientation .
The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends .
At the same time , this adjustment means that the Social Democratic Party is away from the characteristics of the traditional ideology .
Contrary to the " social democratic narrative , " inequality in Poland has fallen .
Yet when he pushed through the necessary legislation , it was in the teeth of fierce social democratic opposition .
As the rapid changes of political environment , the Social Democratic parties in Western Europe adjust the traditional ideology to cope with the emerging challenges and crisis .
Part two discusses the transformation of social democratic parties after World War Two , which is the background and foundation of the reform for the system of organization of the party .
Lofven , who 's been Sweden 's Social Democratic Prime Minister since 2014 , is the first Swedish government leader ever to lose such a motion .
In addition , the article discusses the question that whether the Labor Party can be represented a modern left-wing parties . From the first part of the article , Western European Social Democratic Parties are center-left political parties .
However , whether the Japanese Social Democratic Party will change its political ideas into practical political ability depends on its ability to integrate the party differences effectively , realize inter-party cooperation and form a stable alliance , adjust election strategy and expand the voter supports and other factors .
The Social Democratic Party changed the name of the party in order to win national trust again , but against all expectations , in the recent House of Representatives elections , the number of parliament seats has dropped to a single-digit instead of retrieving the voters ' supports .
German angst over the nuclear disaster in Japan crested just as two south-western states held elections . In Rhineland-Palatinate the Green vote tripled , vaulting the party into government as junior partner of the Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) , which had previously ruled alone .